You know what, life as a grown up is bloody hard! There is always something more important to do than focus on yourself isn't there? Ummm, actually no. There is usually something to do, but probably not something more important. To quote whichever genius said so, "you cannot pour from an empty cup". As a mum and a business owner, if I'm not good, ain't nothin' good! I can't be my best mummy-self or my best business-self if I am always putting everything else before my own wellbeing. But, we're busy, right? There is no time to spend a day at a spa - maybe there is no childcare and no funds for that either. So here are a few things I have found to give me a little "aaahh!" moment every once in a while.
Have a brew
Make yourself a cuppa. Bit sit, STILL until that bad boy has been devoured. You are not permitted to put your feet down on the floor until you have finished your tea or coffee. It's only 5 minutes. Leave the kids where you can see them, move away from your desk, everything can be on pause for the time it takes for you to drain your mug.
Foot fettish
Soak your feet. Get comfy on the sofa with your feet in a bowl of warm water - with bubbles if you want some extra luxury! Wiggle your toes and let them go wrinkly! Have a towel to hand in case you need to dash off to a woken baby or to answer the door or because little George has stuck a lego up his nose, but if you can make it until the water is cooling off, we call that a win! Have a pot of nice moisturiser to finish off the effect.
Soak in the bath
You might not ever have opportunity to lounge in the bath for two hours, but you don't need that long. The relaxation can come much quicker than that for a busy woman on the go all the time. Bubble bath if you have it and light one candle if that's all you've got. Close the bathroom door. Hell, lock it if you can! No phone. Lay. Eyes closed. Maximise the effects by switching off from everything else and then if you only have 10 minutes, it's 10 lovely minutes when you embraced the warmth and the stillness and the quiet.
Paint your nails
There is something renewing about having a new look. A simple way to do this is to paint your nails. It takes minutes if you have a good fast-setting polish but it's a task that requires full concentration so you're letting go of everything else that's in your busy mind just for those few minutes. Add some colour into your view as your hands are typing away, washing up, changing a nappy, scrolling through Facebook...
Go for a walk
On your break at work or as a change of scenery, get yourself (and the kids) out of the house. Rain or shine, but preferably shine, get out in the world. It doesn't need to be a mountain hike, just a walk around the block or to the local park or shop. Take some deep breaths. Actively notice something lovely about your surroundings.
Spruce yourself
Even if you're working alone, vegging on the sofa or staying at home with the children, do something that makes you feel special. Wear your favourite lippy, put your perfume on, put your hair up.
Play music
Get a good playlist on or your favourite album from the 80's! Sing! All the better if you do it at the top of your voice and into a hairbrush "microphone"! Open the windows so the whole street can hear you! Dance! Get the small humans dancing! With or without singing and dancing, music is invigorating and mood changing. It's powerful stuff!
Face mask
Ideally, be still, with cucumber over your eyes while your face mask brings your skin and senses back to life. If you have to, you can still do stuff and face mask at the same time, but it's gotta be more renewing if you get some time out. Then spend a moment appreciating that fresh faced goddess in the mirror!
Think if 3 things from today that have gone well, surprised you, made you smile or for which you're grateful. A bit of positivity and reflection. It may take you 5 minutes, it may take you 50, it depends on how your day went I guess! But finding the good in the day brings back those feelings and smiles.
Re-organise something
The cutlery drawer, your shirts, the toy box, your inbox, your to-do list. There is something therapeutic about organising things. And it's productive too!
Go unplugged
The unthinkable! Detach yourself from your phone, your tablet, your laptop and maybe even the TV! The phone is probably the most beneficial in terms of switching off and having a rest. Start with 5 minutes if it feels weird, but build it up so that you're getting half an hour away from the pings and beeps of messages, social media and bright screens. To begin with you might feel like you've lost a limb and you have no clue what to do with yourself, but after a few goes, you'll start to appreciate the space and mental quiet of being unplugged!
Be kind to someone else
Hang on, isn't this about being kind to MYSELF? Yes, but this has mutual benefits. Send a "Hey gorgeous lady, miss you!" text to a friend or sister. Or let someone you care about know you're thinking of them. Make the effort to say, "Oh, I forgot to say, that outfit last Friday was killer!" Knowing you have made someone else smile, gives you a warm fuzzy feeling and it might just start a convo with someone you've been meaning to contact for a while. And you never know, they may have something lovely to say in return!
Have some additions to this list? Comment and let me know!